My Philosophy

Teaching people to be stronger both mentally, physically and spiritually has driver me.
When I discovered YOGA I was only 15 years old, I was living in Christchurch NZ at that time and I knew straight away it answered all the questions I had been puzzling over.
I had no idea then, that this amazing ancient practice (dating back to 3000 BCE) would be able to give so much valuable knowledge that could be so useful on my journey through life.
YOGA has given me the mental and physical strength to deal with the blows that life has thrown up along the way. Enabling me to make the most of the ups and downs.
My daily practice keeps me physically fit, mentally strong and emotionally positive, along with the enthusiasm to pass on the precious philosophies and postures. I will be forever grateful to the countless yogis from the past to the present who have handed down their teachings throughout the ages.

"Do your work without attachment and with being balanced in success or failure. Balance is called YOGA"
The Bhagavad Gita.

Finally a little practice for you to take away, something we can share as I am still working on this-

"The present moment is as it is, always. Can you let it be"
Eckhart Tolle.

Full member of the British Wheel of Yoga, teaching classes since 1982